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Category: CTRLs
Rarity: Common

A single Windchime or a Halo, depending on the subtype of your AW0005.
The CTRL location does not matter, and can change from day to day!



Category: CTRLs
Rarity: Rare

2 Halo's or 2 Windchimes, or mixed if you have an upgrade item.
Are you going for a Symetrical AW0005?

3-4 CTRLs

3-4 CTRLs

Category: CTRLs
Rarity: Premium

With 3 to 4 CTRLs you'll probably be hard pressed to not end up needing the "Stacked or Connected" trait as well.



Category: CTRLs
Rarity: Epic

5 CTRLs is the max any one AW0005 can have. Afterall, it can get pretty confusing at that point to figure out which one is beeping!

Circular Halo

Circular Halo (AW0001)

Category: CTRLs
SubType: AW0001
Rarity: Common

All AW0001 have a circular halo. It looks the coolest when they're adjusting the music volume and you can see the colors zip back and forth. They can be no larger than half the height of the character with out the non-standard shape trait.

Circular Halo's are very fragile hologram interfaces and so cannot touch an AW0005 without dissipating.


Windchime (BNNUY02)

Category: CTRLs
SubType: BNNUY02
Rarity: Common

All BNNUY02 have a Windchime. Windchimes must have both a discernable "bell" and a "tassle" but there's a lot of leeway around how those pieces can be drawn! Furin as well as other types of windchimes are all valid for this trait. Some windchimes with multiple "bells" or "tassles" may still be considered standard if they resemble real world windchimes. They can be no larger than half the height of the character with out the non-standard shape trait.

Windchimes are also attached and don't float next to the character - because this may mean they aren't immediately visible on a reference image, they may be drawn alongside the character as a part of their masterlist image.

Non-Standard Shape

Non-Standard Shape

Category: CTRLs
Rarity: Rare

A Non-Standard shape is defined a little differently for each subtype.

For an AW0001 Halo,

  • Can be non-circular in shape, like a star, or a triangle
  • Can have gaps in the circle. Gaps should make up no more than about 30% of the halo.
  • Can have simple "attachments", like bows, veils or ribbons - windchimes however would require the Stacked or Connected trait.
  • Can be bigger than half the height of the AW0005, up to the full height of the AW0005

For a BNNUY02 Windchime, they must have a string somewhere in the design still to allow for movement but otherwise:

  • Can be just a bell, or just a tassle-like item. 
  • Can have multiple bells tied together, or multiple tassles
  • Can be longer than half the height of the AW0005, up to the full height of the AW0005
  • Any combination of the above
Stacked or Connected Halo

Stacked or Connected Halo

Category: CTRLs
Rarity: Premium

This trait only applies to AW0001 Halo's and allows for,

  • Halo's stacked inside of each other
  • Halos intersecting with each other
  • Hanging a windchime off of a halo - while this does apply to a windchime it is the only instance under which this trait would be used with one.


Category: CTRLs
Rarity: Epic

A Glitched CTRL is usually not a good sign for an AW0005 as it makes it difficult to control their system. But some AW0005 will go out of their way to acquire this trait for the "untouchable" aesthetic it brings with it.

Glowing Windchime

Glowing Windchime

Category: CTRLs
Rarity: Premium

This trait is perfect if you’re looking to add that extra spark to your windchime, or if you have a BNNUY02 whose job requires working in dark environments. A glowing windchime projects a small amount of light around it, and its level of glow can be used to indicate different statuses.

Crystal CTRL

Crystal CTRL

Category: CTRLs
Expansion Pack: Crystalline
Rarity: Premium

Applicable to Halo's or CTRLs, allows for an AW0005s CTRL to be made of crystal, and have small floating crystal pieces. The mechanism behind the floating pieces on androids is currently a very well kept secret by the AW0005 company.



Category: Cooling Pockets
Rarity: Common


The minimum size of a cooling pocket (depicted to the left) is approximately the size of the palm of the hand. Thin but long cooling pockets are allowed but must be longer than the palm of the hand. Very small non-opaque cooling pockets like this may require a zoomed in reference to be able to see the contents.

The rough estimate for a small Cooling Pocket is less than half of a limb, or less than a 1/4 of the torso.

Cooling Pocket's that go through the torso - such that there is a part of it exposed on both the front and back, but not the sides, or vice versa, are included under this trait.



Category: Cooling Pockets
Rarity: Rare

The rough estimate for a medium Cooling pocket, is half of the torso, or all of a single limb. This includes most Cooling Pockets that wrap all the way around a section of the torso.



Category: Cooling Pockets
Rarity: Premium

A large Cooling Pocket will take up either the entirety of the torso, or all of multiple limbs. This size also includes single Cooling Pockets that cover a whole limb and more than a quarter of the torso.

Whole Body

Whole Body

Category: Cooling Pockets
Rarity: Epic

A Whole Body Cooling Pocket goes from ears to tail to feet. Picking this trait also covers Cooling Pocket Eyes, Ears, and Tail, so you don't need to include trait items to cover them (but they should still be listed on the design if applicable!)



Category: Cooling Pockets
Rarity: Common

Opaque Cooling Pockets are a single block of color, but can have thermosensors running over top or along the edges, to give them a little bit more flair. 

Important Edge Cases:

  • Mimicing eyes using this trait and thermosensors, is allowed so long as both a "pupil" and an "iris" are not both present. If they are, you will be required to use the applicable Angelic EP trait.
Natural Environments

Natural Environments (BNNUY02)

Category: Cooling Pockets
SubType: BNNUY02
Rarity: Common

Cooling Pockets with a Natural Environment projection can include single flower blooms, rock formations, caves, rivers, underwater scenes, any item or scene that is completely naturally occuring but does not include the capability to project an animal or man-made objects.

The BNNUY02 subtype is more optimized for being able to display these types of projections, so other subtypes won't be able to use them without an appropriate upgrade.

Man-Made Objects

Man-Made Objects (AW0001)

Category: Cooling Pockets
SubType: AW0001
Rarity: Common

Cooling Pockets with the Man-Made Projection can display any number of man-made objects like teacups, gears, prepared food, or man-made environments like a library, a city-scape, or a rave. 

The AW0001 subtype is more optimized for displaying these types of projections, and as such other subtypes are unable to do so without an appropriate upgrade.

Special Note:: While sky-scapes are normally considered natural environments, if they are included with city-skylines, or seen through a window of a room, or similar, they are considered an exception and do not require upgrading to "mixed man-made and natural".

Mixed Man-made and Natural Objects

Mixed Man-made and Natural Objects

Category: Cooling Pockets
Rarity: Rare

Cooling Pockets with a Mixed Man-Made and Natural Objects projection can display scenes like a bridge across a river, a mailbox in a field, or a car driving through a corn field. 

Due to the mixed content of these projections, most subtypes are capable of displaying them, though they do take more energy to do so.



Category: Cooling Pockets
Rarity: Premium

The Animal trait comes with the additional AI processing needed to emulate a non-intelligent animal within the projection. This can be used in conjunction with other Cooling Pocket projection types or alone.

139 results found.