Staff & GA


All staff are given very distinct roles and responsibilities and are permanent placements. Staff is only ever removed from their role for rule-breaking (outlined under guidelines) or if they choose to step down themselves. 

While Owner is not listed, they are expected to uphold to the same guidelines and often take on aspects of all roles at different times.



  • Approves Design Updates and Requests. 
  • Approves Trades or Transfers, with MYOs or Characters. 
  • Occasionally answers trait questions from members. 

Moderator [Discord]

  • Monitors chat activity, and encourages conversation.
  • Steering conversation away from any topics prohibited in our rules. 
  • De-escalating disagreements. 
  • Answer general questions in tickets or in the Q&A channel as applicable. 

Event Runner

  • Collaborate with the Owner on creating event activities. 
  • Help with event setup tasks as applicable. 
  • During event help with approving prompts / claims as applicable. 
  •  Help answer questions about event activities. 


  • Approve submitted prompts. 
  • Approve general art / writing / game rewards. 
  • Approve any other applicable claims. 


  • Creates monthly or Event prompts
  • Creates and updates Lore Pages
  • Creates written blurbs for Events



AW0005 staff are rewarded in three ways:

On-Call Reward

Moderators and Event Runners are considered on-call roles in that they are regularly performing related tasks that are not directly achieved through the website and cannot be rewarded directly. 

They receive 50cc daily as a reward.

Task Reward

Many tasks performed on the site (ie approving designs or prompts) have an automated 100cc reward given to the user that performs them.

Written Reward

Currently unique to the Writer Staff position, written rewards are given on a by word basis at 2cc a word for all content created for the site.


  • All Staff are held to the same Terms of Service that users are held to with the following exceptions:
    • Concerns from staff should be brought directly to the Owner.
    • The mini-modding rule is not applicable.
  • Staff found not to be completing their assigned responsibilities in an expected manner may be subject to a strike on the pre-established warning system.
  • The Warning System will also include the following repercussions
    • First strike will result in a temporary break from the staff team for 2 weeks to a month at the discretion of the Owner.
    • Second strike will result in a complete ban from being staff.
  • The Staff Team as a whole will strive to provide feedback on all Item Claims, Design Submissions, Prompt Submissions, and similar content submitted onsite within 24 hours, the max wait time should be 1 week without provided feedback.
    • Feedback may not be an approval, and may require further interaction from the user.



Guest Artists

AW0005 Guest Artists (GA) are brought on to provide adopts for our 4 annual events. Other adopts outside of these events may be produced, as outlined below. Additionally, GA are rewarded with a Standard MYO slot for their term.

Term Length

Guest Artists are brought on for a single quarterly event. They will have to re-apply for future events but will not have to re-provide a portfolio.

There is no cooldown between GA stints, but applicants who haven't participated in the prior event will be prioritized.

Applications for guest artists for an event will go up with specifics around what's being looked for, and a rough idea of theming. Adopt artist selections will be confirmed at least a month prior to the event to give ample time to create them.

Adopt Expectations

  • Artists are expected to produce at least one adopt for the event that they sign up for but will often be given the opportunity to produce multiple. 
  • Pricing of Adopts will be left up to the artist and the artists will receive full proceeds. 
  • Final selection of which artists are doing which adopts is left up to the discretion of the Owner.
    • These limitations are often by species or subtype. 

Additional Adopts

Outside of the main event each GA has the opportunity to create two additional adopts:

  • One to be put up for sale, auction, or offers at any time after the main event ends. 
  • One for the AW0005 team to raffle or list in LFAI in exchange for an Epic MYO and Major Update. 

Unsold Adopts

Any GA with adopts that have not sold by a week or two before the next event will be presented with the following options:

  • Leave the adopt for sale - the adopt's listing in the server will be moved to a thread in the discord channel for older unsold adopts 
  • Trade the adopt to the AW0005 team for an equivalent MYO slot or currency. [The staff team will then choose whether the adopt is raffled or sold in LFAI]
  • Keep the adopt for themselves - this option is no longer available if the adopt was an OTA and received offers that were declined. [Exceptions can be made under certain circumstances]
  • Void the design from the species and be allowed to re-sell outside of the species. [No re-design required as long as the adopt is no longer advertised as being a part of the species].

General Guidelines

  • All Guest Artists are held to the same Terms of Service that users are held to. 
  • GA found not to be completing their assigned adopts in an expected manner may be subject to a strike on the pre-established warning system.
  • The Warning System will also include the following repercussions
    • First strike will result in a temporary ban from participating in a single event (or two of the strike was acquired for not completing their GA responsibilities). 
    • Second strike will result in a complete ban from being a GA.
Last updated: 13 October 2024, 4:07:41 PM UTC