Presents an Overview on Sentient AI
"There are sentient AI?”
I hear you ask,
“When did that happen?”
In 166VY Jason, the CEO of AW0005™, built an AI that developed into true self-awareness!
That was about 30 years ago and today sentient AI exist side by side with full rights alongside Purlieu’s other citizens.

In 166VY Jason, the CEO of AW0005™, built an AI that developed into true self-awareness!
That was about 30 year ago and today sentient AI exist side by side with full rights alongside Purlieu’s other citizens.

Most AI live in the Digital Realm hosted on AW0005™ servers, but those with an Android Form can also visit the Physical Realm.
Androids are expensive and generally considered luxury products but there are a multitude of ways to acquire one!

Android forms can be identical to an AI’s digital form, have slight differences, or be radically different! It’s up to the AI in question how they appear to the world!
More Info About Androids!AI Subtypes

The AI generated on AW0005™’s servers come in two main visual subtypes!
AW0001s were the first generation, and have wolf features with more obvious robotics.
BNNUY02s have joined the roster very recently and have bunny features and an affinity for plants.
More Info About Traits!
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