Presents: AW0005 Forms
Given their technological nature, AW0005 will often have interchangeable "forms" that they can switch between.
What Makes it a Form?

Any distinct set of traits that an AW0005 might use together! Each form is listed with it's own image and trait set on a character's masterlist page. Some forms may only have a single trait different, or every trait could be different!
Any distinct set of traits than an AW0005 might use together! Each form is listed with it's own image and trait set on a character's masterlist page. Some forms may only have a single trait different, or every trait could be different!
When designing a new form, there are a few things to keep in mind:
- All forms must be recognizable as being the same character, primarily with similar facial features and body shape.
- An AW0005 keeps ownership of all their existing traits - so any trait on any existing form can be used on a new or updated form without any additional items.
- Trait items are still required for any new traits added to the character.
What about Androids?
While most forms are Digital, meaning they exist within the Digital Realm, some AW0005 are able to acquire an Android form, which allows AW0005 to exist within The Physical Realm.
Androids are considered luxury products - not all AW0005 are able to afford one.

Android Forms require having two Floating Charge Packs and a HoloBOT!
Chargepacks should be slender and lightweight thin poles or spirals, and float alongside an AW0005 (They should not encircle any part of an AW0005s body). These thin poles can be "bent" / "shaped". If straightened out the packs should at minimum be the length of a character's forearm, and can be, more or less, infinitely long.
How Do I get Additional Forms or an Android?
Alba's Shop sells an 'Android Token' item! When used with a Design Submission or a Design Update, it creates a form tagged as an Android for your AW0005.
While an Android form can be added at initial submission, any other additional forms must be submitted after. Additional forms can be submitted via the "Add / Update Form" button found in the side-bar navigation from a character's profile.