Presents: Trading with other Users
It is common to want to exchange items and currency with other users! When you do there are two primary ways to go about it onsite.
Direct Transfers
If you wish to send another user items, characters, or currency onsite, and don't expect anything onsite back (i.e. when gifting, or when trading for something offsite), transfers are the best option.
Transferring Items
- Click on the site logo, or the house icon
- On the left sidebar (pictured) click on Items
- In your inventory select the item you wish to transfer
- Check off, and select the number of that item that you're transferring
- Finally go down to the transfer section of the modal, select the appropriate user and hit "Transfer" (pictured below)

Transferring Currency

- Click on the site logo, or the house icon
- On the left sidebar (pictured) click on Bank
- Fill in the user, amount, and currency (Card Credit) before hitting Transfer(pictured below)

Transferring Characters or MYO slots
- Click on the site logo, or the house icon
- On the left sidebar (pictured) click on Characters or MYOs
- Click on the Character or MYO you wish to transfer
- On the left sidebar (pictured) click on Transfer
- Finally select the appropriate user fill in why you're transferring, and hit "Send Transfer" (pictured below)
- At this point the transfer goes to the staff team for approval, before finally making it's way to your recipient

If you're trading on-site assets for someone else's on-site assets, then trading is the safest mechanism to do so!

- Click on the site logo, or the house icon
- On the left sidebar (pictured) click on Trades - this page is where you can find in-progress trades as well.
- Click "New Trade" on the top left
At this point you should specify the user your trading with, and fill in what items, currency, or characters you're offering for your side. If needed you may start the trade and then come back to fill in your side of it.
The following page will then give you directions for how to confirm and finish out the trade.
If either side of the trade contains characters or MYO slots, it will also need an approval from staff before the assets are distributed to both users.