Presents: Pahffle Traits

Pahffles are a domesticated pet companion commonly favored by BNNUY02.
Their name comes from the"PAH" noises they make.
Although Pahffles commonly have wings, these are vestigial. Some Pahffles are able to hover about a foot off the ground with these wings while others lack wings entirely. All pahffles also have 6 ears/nubs (3 on each side), and an un-furred tail.
Pahffle owners are advised to get a moss ball pillow for their pet. Moss ball pillows are not only comfortable beds for Pahffles but also help keep their cooling pocket underbelly clean and shiny!
Pahffles come in two sizes: Toy (Hedgehog sized) and Normal (Small Dog Breed sized)
Common Rare Premium EpicClicking on trait images will show more info!
These are the base traits to get started with your design!

Six Legs

Plant Ears
Optional Mods
Of course, besides the necessary things, there are a number of optional mods that may may be used as well to really set yourself apart from your peers!

Fin Tail

Flower Tail