Art [Extras] Criterion

This Adds additional extra points for anything above and beyond you added to your art, like backgrounds, animation, etc.
Rewards Card Credit

When using this guide to calculate amounts, keep in mind that all Criterion apply onto a running total from the step before. If the criterion does not have a base reward listed above, then it starts from zero.


Options · Additive
Any elements placed behind the subject of your art


No Background
0 Card Credit
Simple Background
50 Card Credit
Simple shapes, patterns, especially created using pre-made brushes
Simple Props
100 Card Credit
Held props such as swords, bags, etc. that impact the pose of your character in some way.
Complex Props
300 Card Credit
Larger props that actively affect the pose of your subject or establishes their environment, such as chairs, items in their background, etc.
Complex Background
500 Card Credit
Full Environment Scenes


Options · Additive
Movement in the Art


No Animation
0 Card Credit
Simple Animation
200 Card Credit
Blinking, twinkling effects, etc, that would only take 2-3 frames to achieve.
Complex Animation
500 Card Credit

Anything that takes more than 2-3 frames to animate (including especially smooth blinking animations), and lasts about 5 seconds. Anything longer than 5 seconds crosses into video territory, which AW0005 does not have established rewards for yet. If you would like to be rewarded for that type of content please don't hesitate to reach out and we can figure out how we would rate it!

Group Art

Boolean · Additive · 500 Card Credit

Any art that contains 3+ characters, who are interacting.
This does not include characters that are merely standing next to each other.

Number of Pieces

Number Input · Multiplicative
Ease of Use multiplier if you are submitting multiple pieces with these extras