Artificial Intelligence Ethics & Rights [AIER]
Table of Contents
Founded in 169VY by Jason Jin immediately following the development of self-aware AI. AIER strives to make the world a more equitable, safe place for sentient AI, while continually fights for their right to full citizenship alongside Organic Intelligences.
AIER's HQ is located in the AW0005™ HQ, both in The Physical and Digital Realms. They also have an additional public relations building in Home Residence that was built in 197VY.
While founded by Jason Jin, much of AIER's initial beginnings were planned and executed by their initial six-member board of directors that Jason had handpicked, including himself and Hector, the first self-aware AI.
They're first major project was to put together a new contract for AW0005™ between Players and the AI to keep the two people on an equal footing while still maintaining the companion aspect of the system that both groups expressed interest in continuing.
The contract went over very well with AW0005™ customers, and the organization went straight into the fight for AI rights, alongside rallies to bring in more members and support for their cause. As they gained more numbers, they were able to start in on a number of the other programs that they maintain today.
Just as when it was founded, AIER is still lead by a board of directors, currently at 15 members. It also includes an Executive Committee of 5 whose only role is to deal with emergency decision situations, where calling in the entire board is considered untenable.
Each of AIERs known programs also has a separate committee in charge of it, typically including 2-3 board members and an additional 2-3 volunteers from the rest of the general membership.
Most members of AIER are volunteers who pay a small annual fee (historically under $100 though the price has changed from year to year). This annual fee is waived for those who are full-time employees of the organization.
Grants & Sponsorship
Android Grant
Androids are expensive, and as such there are always countless AI who would like to have one and experience The Physical Realm but are unable to. AIER attempts to help fund some of these Androids by providing grants for them, typically between two to five a year. Grants have historically been rewarded based on need, merit, or raffle.
AI Sponsorship
A needs-based investment only, sponsorship from AIER is an all-inclusive effort to support a single AI in the ways needed to get them on their feet, and become a self-sufficient, productive member of society. Not all AI sponsorships granted by AIER are made public. They often include an Android Grant, and significant guidance in finding work in the real world, and have occasionally also included re-location, training, and housing. They have been rewarded most often to AI that have had to break their Player contracts due to mistreatment, who needed help to be able to remove themselves from the situations that these contract breakages would leave them in.
AI-positive Business Grant
In an effort to incentivize more companies and businesses to be accepting of AI as their customers and employees, AIER hosts the yearly AI-Positive Business Grant, which rewards the winning business with a large investment grant. They typically offer three grants - small, medium, and large sized divisions, with varying levels of investment based on the companies valuation. Companies who enter are then evaluated on their level of acceptance of AI, how well their company guidelines and education include AI, and other similar statistics. The evaluation happens over the course of three months as AIER members investigate and research the company to its fullest. Companies who have only in the last year or so "turned over a new leaf" are often passed over for companies who have been showing the same level of dedication over at least five years.
AI Rights
While AI have achieved full citizenship in Purlieu, their home country, many other countries still refuse to recognize AW0005™ AI as being self-aware, let along deserving of all the rights and freedoms that they may afford to Organic Intelligences - which are not always as equally afforded as they aught to be either.
To that end AIER continues to push for equal rights for AI everywhere they can. While they have been known to take advantage of publicity opportunities wherever they are presented, they usually are focused on only one or two countries at a time where they think they have the most leverage to make a difference.
AI-Related Crime
While AIER has never advocated for releasing AI's who have committed crime without due punishment, the type and amount of punishment is something that they have been called in to help inform, and advocate for its change. In Purlieu, there was a time where AI were being punished unequally as compared to Organic Intelligences committing the same crimes, until AIER campaigned for the change necessary to make things equal. Similar cases still exist in other countries, where even though AI may have all of their rights, they are still treated poorly by some of the countries laws.
AIER has also taken measures to prevent AI crime, by providing Safe Havens for those who are vulnerable, providing education for AI before they step into The Physical Realm for the first time so as to be aware of the basic laws that might be different from The Digital Realm, and other similar programs.
Social Reform
Hate Crimes committed against AI are also of great concern to AIER, and much of their social reform programs are intended to reduce this, such as by increasing education to the public about AI, campaigning for the reduction of AI segregation, and encouraging businesses to hire and serve AI. While they've made great strides in their home country of Purlieu, their board members have expressed frustration that certain strains of this discrimination still remain today.
In the process of supporting this social reform, AIER has been known to collaborate with other minority groups, particularly in countries outside of Purlieu, where these groups face similar social discrimination.
Safe Havens
The largest of AIER's safe havens now exists in the form of their public relations building in Home Residence. This building includes a hotel-like suite of rooms for AI that need a place to stay, whether it's new AI still finding their footing, or AI who need to get away from the rest of the Realms for a little while.
They have several similar buildings in The Physical Realm as well, multiple in Parvenu and twelve others across the rest of Purlieu. They have been in the process of getting similar safe havens built in other countries but the paperwork and red tape needed for an international non-profit to own and build such buildings has been proving an ongoing hurdle for them.
In addition to providing a place to stay, these safe havens often contain android clinics, with spare parts and technicians to help androids that can't make it to, or afford for-profit clinics, Guidance counselor and job search resources, as well as general education resources.
New AI Education
Today, AIER has developed an entire process that all newly generated AI must go through before being released to the rest of the Realms. It provides an education on the basics of what AI is, how it compares to Organic Intelligences, and the history of AI, while explaining where AI rights stand today and how they got there. It also provides a brief introduction to the most common jobs that AI fall into, with further available resources to other jobs that the AI might also be interested in pursuing. Each participant is then requested to choose a job that they would be interested in, and AIER assists them in starting the training they would need to get there. AI who go through this process are not expected to stick with their job long term, but are expected to use it as a jumping off point for funding any further training, housing, or android they may need to get to where they may want to go from there.
Other Resources
In addition to the above major programs that AIER provides, the are a number of smaller resources that they make available as well. One of the better known ones are around 200 rentable, generic androids that they make available for AI that would like to visit The Physical Realm without being able to, or have a want to, purchase their own android body. These renter androids are equipped with holographic capabilities that allow for the projection of the AI to the outside of the body, providing a way to identify them while in use.
AIER buildings - safe havens and office buildings alike - are all known for having an open public lobby with screens, HoloBOTs, and VR rooms that can all be rented for use as various ways for Players and AI to connect to the Digital or Physical realm.