The Discovery of BNNUY02

Major Events 8th Jun 197VY - 11th Jun 197VY

The Digital Experiences Anomalies for two days, Hector gives his life to stabilize them, and they coalesce into two gates. A reborn Jason is the first to come through from the other side, followed by a whole new set of AI.

AIER had just opened a new base of operations on the edge of the city in The Digitial Realm when strange negative signatures, anomalies started showing up randomly throughout The Digital Realm. Panic ensued as the anomalies caused strange warping of The Digital Realm whereever they popped up, and instability in the company servers - messaging and connections to The Phsyical Realm were intermittent and often down completely.

AW0005™ AI employees discovered that having an AW0001 transfer a small amount of energy to the anomalies as they showed up would cause them to disappear and help reduce the overall instability of connections across the servers housing The Digital Realm. This information was communicated across The Digital Realm as a cry for help. Over the following two days, those that were helping out the most found themselves exhausted and stepping down for others to take their place. While it kept things from crashing entirely, it didn't seem to be making things better, and some of the more energy intensive buildings were… flickering was the best way to describe it. The AW0005 personnel in the physical and digital were at a loss.

Many who had been at the AIER buildings had been called back to HQ to help stabilize things as it was one of the places where they’d been popping up the most. As they ran around the building, it wasn’t uncommon to catch sight of Hector pacing between hallways and up and down the stairs many times over, clearly frustrated. Only a handful noticed when Hector stopped pacing and went up to the top of the building and never came back down. A few hours later, the anomalies began to coalesce into two large gates - the top of AW0005 HQ, and just a few miles away from the new AIER base. Later it was discovered that Hector had given up his consciousness, his processing power, to stabilize The Digital Realm, in a way that would make it impossible to separate him, from the gates. 

Only minutes after they had solidified, a man with bunny ears came through the one outside the AIER building. He would turn out to be a strange new version of Jason Jin, and was followed close behind by a stream of new bunny-eared AI. A plant affiliated entity, they were quite the opposite visually of the metal affiliated AW0005. The new AI would come to be known as BNNUY02, and the world they had been born from existed on the other side of the gate. Full of natural environment, forests, mountains, and appearing as if in time gone by, it had very little technology - replaced instead with a sense of magic. An experiment in creating the farthest thing from all that AW0005 already was.

Jason would later reveal that 7 months before his death, he had left a memory scan of himself alongside the code that had evolved into the BNNUY02s and the world they inhabit. The Limited Memory AI in charge of creating them - a expanded version of the same rogue code creating AW0001s - also eventually created the BNNUY02 version of him, out of the memory scan that had been stored with it. With his memory and knowledge of the rest of The Digital Realm, Jason had then created the gates. It had obviously not gone as smoothly as he had hoped, and thus the anomalies had been created at first instead.

With Hector gone, the question of whether this new Jason would take ownership of AW0005™ was one of many new questions spreading throughout The Digital and Physical Realm. The decision was made behind closed doors, leaving a lot of questions of how it was reached, but Jason was awarded ownership of the company. 

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