Home Residence

District inside The Core

The location of thousands of miles of suburbia and home to many a digital AW0005

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Home Residence is named very appropriately - it was made and has still been used as the primary suburban home of a large portion of AI, particularly of the AW0005 subtype. Its construction was done in such a way as to allow a large amount of variety in architecture and use between its subsections of the region otherwise known as Modules. A base home is free to own for every single generated AI and only customizations, size increases, or changes in structure, require a fee.


Very early after The City was made open to the public, Jason realized he would need to account for the possibility of more and more residents. He soon had hired a team of software engineers specialized in building innovative 3D spaces, and tasked them with finding a way to make use of as much space as possible. It took months of development, particularly as the growing AI Rights movement caused disruptions. Once they were able to negotiate a chance to present a theoretical POC to Jason though, they received triple the funding, and were asked to apply the same idea to a new region that would be added to The Digital Realm - Home Residence. At the time the decision baffled many of AW0005s employee’s - with the AI Rights movement still on-going, The City’s population was far lower than it had been at its height. But as we know now, Jason already had the AI generation script brewing and once the Rights movement succeeded Players returned in force to The Digital Realm, making the existence of Home Residence a necessity.

Despite the vast expansion of living space, the apartments of Home Residence were rather… bland in the beginning. Few AW0001s chose to move to the area due to the distance from The City, and the fact that these apartments provided very little to compare to the ones downtown. Not even a million dollar advertisement campaign managed to draw much in the way of new residents. The city was overflowing, and AW0005™ needed to find a way to make people want to move.

So, the developers worked to make the homes more customizable, with far more residence styles and sizes to pick from. They also worked to implement better commuting - lengthening the area that an AW0005 can teleport between and implementing a series of bus stops that those who lived farther from the city could take advantage of. These two improvements combined with increasing issues associated with the lack of space in the city seemed to work - when the new developments were released a wave of AI moved out to Home Residence in flocks. Often groups of people that were already associated with each other would want to live near each other, and with the increased capability for expressive living spaces came the Modules: cul-de-sacs of AI with similar ideals that band together into smaller neighborhoods.


With Home Residence being intended to grow infinitely to house all the AI that may ever be generated its governance was structured to be as scalable as possible. As such new segments of Home Residence that are added are grouped together as Modules, with a representative who lives in the Module being given voting rights on the council member who would represent the Home Residence district, and the ability to vote on any Home Residence specific laws or changes that may come up.


This segmentation of Home Residence also lead to a very interesting culture - Modules’ initial residents are asked to agree upon and write up an initial set of terms and rules for their Module and these terms end up creating very distinct cultures between Modules depending on if the residents care more about certain things such as noise limitations, lawn arrangements, cleanliness or public spaces. It can make wandering around the Home Residence district very engaging to see the shift in interests from Module to Module.

Additionally many Modules will host their own specific events, inviting other Modules to participate and taking advantage of The Gazebos - a large changing structure of reservable event space. Once a year a large competitive event between Modules takes place - though it changes in structure from year to year depending on the Module who hosts it.