The Invention of Androids

Major Events Jun 172VY - Feb 173VY

While handling the stress of working with AIER, Jason begins to tinker with robotics and creates the first Android Bodies

Over the next few years most of Jason's time was spent with AIER helping with their endeavors - often as a physical voice for Hector's wishes, but also organizationally and financially. It was understandably stressful, and Jason began to tinker with robotics to keep his mind off the stress. He created HoloBOTs first, building their underlying software with a Limited Memory AI - a less advanced and older form of AI compared to Theory of Mind - and the personality neural network Jason had made for AW0005. The less advanced core meant that they weren't going to be self-aware but the personality network meant they felt a little more comfortable, a little more like a pet running around your house, then a cold robot. With so little time spent in the business anymore, he passed his invention off to the employees of AW0005™ to create more, and market to the wider world.

Delighted at what he had made, Jason spent even more of his free time, and with more fervor than his tinkering before, into creating something far more ambitious than the HoloBOTs. Six months later, at 21, he created the first successful android body, leaning heavily on existing prosthetic tech at the time to make an android body that moved, acted, and had the same senses as a human for Hector. Every inch of them had required Jason to reach out to various contacts in other industries to get access to the cutting edge tech needed to make them possible: from the space efficient storage drives for the "brain", to the synth skin covering the metal exoskeleton, to the newest advancements in prosthetic nerve linking. It all meant that the androids would be prohibitively expensive on first release, even without the customizations Jason was already envisioning to better sculpt each android into a replica of the digital AW0005s forms.

The first one Jason had made in Hector's image, and it allowed Hector to finally be present in the Physical as his own voice and he became the first AI member on the board of AIER - the first on the board of any organization at all. His very next collaboration with AIER was to organize funding for 200 more generic androids to be rentable for AW0005 who wished to come to The Phsyical Realm - what androids had been calling the rest of the world that they'd been unable to visit - and help give more voices to the cause.

This was followed by Hector and Jason working together on the androids, and doing everything they could to find ways to make them cheaper and more accessible. While they managed to drive the price down, there was a limit to what they could do, and android bodies continued to be considered luxury goods for both Aw0005 and Players alike.

Android technology further pushed AW0005™ into being a highly profitable company. Jason patented and licensed his and Hector's android technology in order to invest it back into the company, under both his and Hector's names as patent owners.

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