BNNUY02 ・ Premium


Born: 19th September 194VY

A Crafty BNNUY02 that recently moved to The Core

Vida has always been a quiet BNNUY02, and while her roaring PIX-E craft business has gotten her some notable media coverage, reporters have had trouble getting much information out of her about her history and what she does.

Personal Life

In The Burrow

Vida has divulged that she was originally from The Burrow, specifically Winter, where she used her magic to bring small inanimate objects to "life". She has noted that the life that PIX-E appear to have, has always been limited, they are aware of the world and can move through it, but otherwise appear limited to their original usages. 

These small creatures were seen as a novelty in the city but at most a child's toy, and did not feel like her craft was appreciated - that some even judged her for dabbling in something so small in a city where flashy acts of community service are what win people over.

In The City

In 198VY, Vida heard of the mysterious strange city on the other side of the gate - and how much her neighbors appeared to think it was a place to be avoided, a place of unexplained inventions and devices. To Vida that sounded like a place that perhaps her quiet creatures could be more accepted, and so she made the long trip to the gates and to the city, where she now sells her ingredients and shows AW0005's how to use magic in the Digital Realm to bring life to these little creatures.

As a PIX-E Specialist

Meeb Epidemic

In 199VY when Meebs suddenly began to appear, it brought a lot more attention on her shop and her, since Meeb's appeared to be very similar to the small creatures she could produce. In fact when presented with the materials that Callidus Beam was producing the creatures with, Vida could produce a Meeb as well, and validated that it was of the same source as her creatures, but made from materials from The Core, creating something very different from what she had done thus far. 

This reporting went viral and brought many more interviewers at her door wanting to know more about the PIX-E as they swept the Digital Realm by storm. Many left disappointed though as Vida's quiet nature meant that many would received exactly the same responses to their questions.