AW0001 ・ Epic


Part of AW0005™ (Engineer)
Lives In: The City
Born: 16th August 168VY

Trait Designer and Engineer at AW0005™

A lone explorer, Rue is a more mysterious engineer of the AW0005 company, as he often refuses interviews. Even so, his bright floral colors mean he's easily sighted, and many do catch sight of him - out and about in all the nooks and crannies of The City.

Personal Life


Not much is known about Rue's creation, but that there's been records of him far enough back that he is likely from the original set of DVC characters that gained sentience sometime in 168VY. Given his closeness to the AW0005™ company, there are suspicions his player may have been a company employee, but nothing has ever been confirmed. 

As a Citizen

While Rue is known to largely explore the city alone - and be stumbled upon by others in odd places - he has occasionally been known to volunteer with local urban explorer clubs in the area as well, teaching those interested how to stay safe and find interesting places.

And while he may not be known for sharing much about himself, those that have stumbled across him in the city or elsewhere have always found a friendly face, willing to help point someone in the right direction if they're lost, or share in an interesting location. 

He has also been found often as a volunteer at the Winter Welcome event, helping guide partially generated AW0005s into their final forms, and enjoying the display of new unique combinations of the visual features that he helps to craft.

Occasionally he's been seen hanging out with e-Claire and Kip as well, on outings to conventions.

After the Gates

After the gates opened, there were months where Rue wasn't spotted around the city, but around The Burrow instead. A whole new place to explore, Rue seemed to be on that side of the gates for nearly a year before he was seen around the city again, and decked out in completely different flowers than his usual ones. In fact as another year waned on it became clear that his plant adornments that he'd always had now changed seasonally, many of the new varieties ones that were common to find in The Burrow.


As a Visual Designer

Rue is most publicly well known for being a lead designer and engineer of new visual features for AW0005s, often creating the Digital Realm specifications, and then working with the Android teams to create his vision in the Physical Realm. One of the few things Interviewers have been able to drag out of him is that he pulls a lot of his inspiration for visual features from his explorations of the Digital Realm and admiring it's evolved beauty from the influence of it's ever increasing population. 

As a Mapmaker?

While in no way confirmed, Rue has long been considered the most likely candidate for the mysterious mapmaker at AW0005™, due to his love of exploration, and particularly with how quickly he seemed to have gone off into The Burrow after the gates opened, seemingly closely followed with detailed map updates of the area. And long before that, the meticulously detailed map of the city regardless of whether changes were instigated outside the companies control, always seemed to get updated alongside sightings of Rue.