Jason Passes Away

Major Events Jul 194VY - Dec 195VY

Jason falls ill, and passes away at 44, leaving Hector in charge of AW0005™ and a bit of rogue code generating AI in his place.

Android bodies can be upgraded and replaced but humans are still humans. 

Jason became sick - a terminal illness that robbed him of his ability to do anything more than lay in bed at home most days. The media clamored to know exactly what had happened, but most of the details were kept behind closed doors. Hector took on Jason's work, and helped speak on Jason's behalf at conferences and meetings. As time passed, Hector took on more and more of Jason's duties directly and had all but taken on ownership of AW0005™ 

Despite the administrations of the best doctors, Jason was found unconscious on his 44th birthday. His deterioation after that became much faster than it had been. As much as Hector wished to stay by Jason's bedside, he was often pulled away to take care of the company, especially as a mysterious stream of new AW0005 AIs had begun to show up quite randomly and the engineers at the company were panicing trying to figure out where they were coming from and if they should be weary of these new AI. When Hector did have a chance to bring it up with Jason he seemed entirely unconcerned and would encourage Hector to welcome them into the world with open arms.

Several months later, Jason passed on November 3rd, 195VY. Despite immediate clamouring from his parents for the will, they were forced to wait by Jason's attorney and the court until after his funeral. It came as a surprise to most of the world at large when it was revealed that Hector had been named as the sole owner of AW0005™, and been given the right to decide who should fill Jason's seat on the board of AIER. 

Through the end of November and into December, Hector was caught up in a flurry of paperwork needed for him to take proper ownership of the company. When he was finally free enough to get back to doing his job, it was to a number of the engineers requesting assitance with the randomly generated AIs - not only had they not managed to figure out where they were coming from, but there was suddenly a whole lot more of them being generated than ever before. As Hector was put in front of a computer to see some of the code the engineers had managed to uncover, he ended up smiling for the first time since Jason's funeral. Hector recognized the code - it was Jason's. Jason had left these new AI as a ongoing gift to the world, a ongoing reminder of all that he had done for them.

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