AW0001 ・ Epic


Born: 20th February 195VY

An AW0005™ Android Engineer

Table of Contents

Born of the third generation of AI created by the randomized generator, KARL is one of the most well known android engineers in all of Parvenu. He runs KARL's Garage, a large bay of AW0005™ licensed engineers for maintenance, upgrades, or bug fixes for AW0005™ certified androids. 

Personal Life

As one of the first created by the randomized generated, KARL was originally kept in AW0005™ headquarters for observation before it was determined that the AI being generated were no different than those that had been created from the intial generation of DVAI. While under AW0005™ care, he was granted permission to observe some of their employees in their day to day endeavors, and ended up becoming interested in their android division; he also spent time hovering around the security team, and other programming teams. This would lead to some of his other notable endeavors as well.

KARL has also been known to be a volunteer white hat hacker for AW0005™ or ocassionally be brought in as an outside engineer for general testing purposes of new work generated by the AW0005™ team. His past experience with their work flow, and his deep knowledge of their systems continues to make him a valuable asset. He has admitted in his few public interviews that despite leaving the company he: "ocassionally misses the time [he] spent there and [he's] glad [he's] able to find ways to go back sometimes".


After KARL was released from observation, he was hired to work as an AW0005™ employed android engineer. Eventually however, he found that the more cutting edge research work that AW0005™ employees  spend most of their time on, not to his taste, leaving after 6 months.

He rented out a garage and started up KARL's Garage, named quite literally at the time. As an ex-AW0005™ employee he was still certified for another 6 months so between that, and the location he was renting at the time, he was able to offer pretty low prices, hoping to get a loyal customer base he could then build upon. That was not how things initially went though, as he reported in some of his interviews, "I had reviews start to come in, and as you can imagine from already talking to me here, I was being described as gruff, blunt, and cold." 

So KARL spent what he had earned so far and a fair bit of his savings from working as an AW0005™ employee to hire a receptionist. Almost immediately, his garage saw an increase in customers who appreciated his work, and appreciated the care given to them by the receptionist. It wasn't long before he was upgrading from the garage to a larger bay - and over the next year he would move twice more before settling into the large warehouse on the outskirts of Parvenu where he now has over 20 android engineers that report up to him.