
District inside The Burrow

The largely unincorporated wilderness of The Burrow is home to many Nomadic BNNUY02 Caravan Clans

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While not exactly a location, much of The Burrow is unincorporated, and more or less “lived in '' by various Nomadic BNNUY02 clans who travel from place to place. These nomadic clans each have their own history, culture, fashion, etc. but many have similarities with each other.


While many settled in Autumn and Winter, it wasn’t long before there were BNNUY02 who became restless and took caravans out to explore the rest of The Burrow. While some go on to settle in other cities many take to traveling permanently and become a source of news, trade, and entertainment to those who have settled in areas more permanently. Much of their detailed history is undocumented and only communicated via an oral tradition that isn’t easily shared with outsiders.


Given the very nature of the Nomadic clans, they each have their own law and ruling structure that they decide for themselves. As small communities however, many of them form similar familial-style structures with an older matriarch or patriarch at the helm and a small council of older adults just beneath them to help make decisions for the clan.

Additionally many clans ultimate punishment is also the same - clan exile. When this occurs an additional measure may also be taken to send communications to the other clans via Churble of the exile’s committed wrongs to warn clans off of the individual. Extreme cases of this can result in an individual no longer being able to be a member of any of the nomadic clans and instead must choose between traveling to one of the cities to settle or making their own way in a permanent in unsettled territory, the latter of which can be a very difficult endeavor.

Occasionally clans will grow large enough to become unwieldy, and the numerous members will often contribute to growing tensions between smaller groups within the clan. This usually leads to the clan splitting itself up into a number of smaller clans that then have to find their own way.


Many varied clans means many varied cultures and experiencing one clan is certainly not the same as experiencing another.

Horse-drawn caravans are common - ones intended to carry people often are more open or have windows whereas storage caravans are more closed to protect the goods being transported. Individual clans may construct the caravans in differing manners and some clans pride themselves on having recognizable ones.

Clans in general are known for being personable but protective - they’ll happily chatter with you about their trade, the weather, or their travel expectations, but they aren’t likely to tell you much about their family. As with all things this does not apply to all clans however - entertainment-based clans have a tendency to be more open, and some clans with origins from certain cities or other factions may be more open about where they come from.

Another similarity between the Nomadic clans are their clothing - while there are some stylistic differences many of them tend to wear loose layered clothes that are easy to adapt and style in different ways as they deal with changing weather, environment, and people.