
Absalom • Owned by SumeragiSins

Current Player: Fai

Absalmon is a highly logical Aw0001 with little emotion. He knows and understands how emotions can affect other people but he, himself, doesn't see much of a need for them. This typically allows him to process clear and mostly unbais information. Unfortunately, people can often see him as 'cold' and 'unwelcoming'. Luckily for him, Fai is there to help.

He first came to be as an AI for Fai when he was a young kid. And ever since Absalom received the AI Bank to become his own entity, the two have been inseparatable ever since. As Fai grew up, he got a job as soon as he possibly could, delicately balancing his work and school life (as an introvert, he had no social life). He saved up every penny and was finally able to purchase an identical android for Absalom. Absalom took time to get use to the new world. Although it looked similar to the digital space, it was entirely different. To this day, he still cannot handle an abundance of noise (loud or otherwise), nor large crowds. But, he did come across a newfound appreciation for analog music. So much so that he taught himself the violin and the piano. He'd give almost anything for any opportunity to play the organ.

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