Submission (#853) Approved

17 July 2023, 8:30:39 PM UTC (1 year and 7 months ago)
19 July 2023, 3:53:47 AM UTC (1 year and 7 months ago) by moif


Pavone's favorite trait is one that he finds appealing on himself- his non-species bird tail. He does appreciate the trait on others as well, but he has a preference to his bird-like tail above all else. He honestly can't imagine other options being very appealing, especially a lizard tail or a fish tail. Though he supposes that's just because he finds those kinds of tails to look less majestic than a bird's tail. It also helps that Pavone's tail shimmers with greens, his favorite color.


Reward Amount
Card Credit 300


Thumbnail for MYO-2023-088: Pavone🦚

MYO-2023-088: Pavone🦚

Reward Amount


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golden-boy's Bank

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