Submission (#564) Approved

27 February 2023, 7:29:46 PM UTC (1 year and 11 months ago)
28 February 2023, 10:01:22 PM UTC (1 year and 11 months ago) by moif


The attitude of Takkero to magic: They are typical urban Woo, who has a few touch with everything magical. They may read the horoscopes, if they have some minute for it. But in general they don't think that it's something meaningful for them - they have a lot of more important things to do. Well, they may eat some Chinese cookies with fortunetelling. So as they like their crispy texture. And it's probably all.
The attitude of Daikiri and Larkad about everything magical: They are typical countryside Woos. It makes them more in the touch with the superstitions of different types. And their longboat is full of different stuff that can be used in souvenir shop. There may be Crystal Globes and Tarot Cards as well. And you see, the autistic at the countryside is much differ then in the city. It allows to hear a lot of weird noises. It makes possible to believe in the presence of the ghost.


Reward Amount
Card Credit 920

Criteria Rewards

Writing - 320 Card Credit

Number of Words: 160
Accessory Bonus: 0


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Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MYO-2021-084: Larkad

MYO-2021-084: Larkad

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