Submission (#489) Approved

29 December 2022, 11:08:17 AM UTC (2 years and 1 month ago)
29 December 2022, 11:17:49 AM UTC (2 years and 1 month ago) by aalleeyyee


As a new(ish) A.I. himself, Ren knows all too well what it feels like to suddenly exist in the world. What are things? Who is what?? Sol as a gift for new A.I., Ren has created a video of sorts, filled with (what he thinks) are the most important things for a new A.I. to know and understand. Things like 'What are humans?' and 'How were we made?'
It's not the most professional looking video, but he hopes it's helpful either way.


Reward Amount
Card Credit 100

Criteria Rewards

Writing - 160 Card Credit

Number of Words: 82
Accessory Bonus: 0


Thumbnail for MYO-2021-009: Ren

MYO-2021-009: Ren

Reward Amount


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Item Source Notes Quantity

aalleeyyee's Bank

Currency Quantity