The "R" In "February"

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 1 March 2025, 12:00:00 AM UTC (6 days and 6 hours from now)
Limited to: 1 submission

Or the "B" in "Subtle"


Much like silent letters in words, or like looking at a gemstone from a particular angle, AW0005 too, may have parts of them that aren't always perceivable. This is a prompt about those little hidden things.

Not everyone will see every aspect of an AW0005' character, just like how the 'you' at work may be completely different from the 'you' around friends, or around family.

What are some of those slivers that many might miss about your AW0005? Are they a tough-looking fellow that knits in their spare time? Do they seem sugary sweet but have a bitter side? Or, maybe it's far more literal. Is there an aspect of their physical form that is often covered by clothing, like another Cooling Pocket or a Thermosensor pattern? Or maybe what their eyes look like under their Visor?


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Card Credit 300