How Amusing!

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 1 August 2024, 12:00:00 AM UTC (6 months and 3 weeks ago)
Limited to: 1 submission

Boardwalks, carnivals, and amusement parks, oh my!


The Physical world has had things like carnivals and amusement parks for centuries, and the Digital has had similar for as long as it can remember.

Does your AW0005 enjoy the deep-fried wonder snacks of the boardwalks? Do they enjoy rollercoasters? Teacup rides? What kinds of amusements do your AW0005 like from these kinds of places?

Maybe there are even more fantastical rides available in the Digital than what is possible in the Physical! What kinds of experiences do you think can exist only in a Digital realm? The possibilities are endless!


Reward Amount
Card Credit 300
This prompt has ended.