
Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 1 July 2024, 12:00:00 AM UTC (7 months and 3 weeks ago)
Limited to: 1 submission

Even AI can have a day job


AW0005 are capable of many things, sometimes even feats that OI couldn't ever do. With the combination of AW0005 gaining sentience, and the availability of android bodies that they can inhabit, they can perform endless kinds of tasks both in the Digital Realm as well as the Physical.

Whether a BNNUY02 works a nine-to-five at their local medical clinic, or an AW0001 works odd jobs as a jack-of-all-trades, the jobs AW0005 work are as varied and unique as their physical appearances.

What is it, then, that your AW0005 does as a day job? Do they work regular hours at the City's libraries? Do they travel with a caravan transporting goods across the Burrow? Maybe they work with Autumn royalty, or in the seedy underworld? The possibilities are endless.


Reward Amount
Card Credit 300
This prompt has ended.