Seasonal Changes

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 1 November 2023, 12:00:00 AM UTC (1 year and 3 months ago)
Limited to: 1 submission

Seasons change, does your woo change with them or remain the same?


The seasons are about to change and many follow that change as well.

Will your AW00005 or BNNUY02 change something about themselves?
Is it time for a trait upgrade or change?
Perhaps the holographic limbs will gain different look color or animation wise?
Or is there something else they'll change?

Or perhaps something in their home will change? 
Is it time to dust off the corners and rearrange the furniture?
Will they bring out the candles to shine light to the darkening evenings?
Is it time to snuggle in warm blankets and have a cup of their favorite warm drink to battle the coldness?

Show and tell us how your woo feels about change and what will they do? 
Will they fight it or accept it?

Submissions to this prompt are hidden.


Reward Amount
Card Credit 300
This prompt has ended.