Players in the Burrow

Category: Lore
Ends: 1 August 2022, 12:00:00 AM UTC (2 years and 6 months ago)

A month after the Gates, The Burrow is opened to the public.


About a month after The Gates showed up, AW0005 had managed to fully integrate the new space into their systems. This allowed for messaging between the realms, allowing BNNUY02s to connect to Players if they wanted, and finally for Players to visit the Burrow.

For Players with a high enough AW0005™ subscription to be able to explore The Digital (Largely using AW0005™ created VR headsets), they now had an whole new area to explore. Quite a few new subscribers were gained as well when word spread that the new area was Fantasy.

Players in the digital largely blend in, as their avatars looked as real as the AI. Even so some of them were also obviously not an AW0001 or a BNNUY02, adding even more of a population of “strange folk” visiting among The Burrow.

Do you have a player that would jump at the chance to explore this new world? How does you BNNUY02 react when they see a player wandering around?

[ This Prompt requires > 100 words or a Flat Colored Art Piece ]


Reward Amount
Card Credit 300
This prompt has ended.