
Ends: 1 March 2023, 12:00:00 AM UTC (1 year and 11 months ago)
Limited to: 1 submission

February is for love - even in The Digital Realm


By Virtue of beginning the development of their own culture from within The Digital Realm, AI were given more of an opportunity to form their own pattern, phrases, and way of seeing the world largely separate from what the rest of the world outside was doing. While it couldn't escape influence entirely - between players visiting the realm and the easy availability of the internet - the combination with their own creations was a fairly unique one.

The practice of celebrating love in February is no different. While AI have borrowed many pre-existing words to describe different types of relationships, they have one unique to their own usage for describing all relationships that they see as deep, meaningful, and long lasting. Coupling while similar to the pre-existing word Couple was in fact borrowed by AI from the computer science verb of the same name that describes any two functions who depend on each other.

You may respond to this prompt by:

  • Drawing an image of one of your AW0005s and someone they consider themselves coupled to.
  • Describe a coupled relationship that one of your AW0005s is in. 
  • Describe or Portray the kind of relationship one of your AW0005s wishes they were in or are looking for

[ This Prompt requires > 100 words or a Flat Colored Art Piece ]


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Card Credit 300
This prompt has ended.